Important Information on Homeland Security Training

Not all security guards want to work for a private firm. Many will want to pursue opportunities with the government whether that is actual security work or positions with such organizations as FEMA, the Department of Justice, the American Red Cross or the U.S. Coast Guard. No matter which field you want to go into though, having your homeland security training will be essential to getting you hired.

What You Will Learn in a Homeland Security Course

In a homeland security course you will learn all of the skills and technical knowledge required to combat this 21st Century enemy. In order to protect America's cities, towns, financial centers, transit and other important infrastructure you will be taught detailed information on how to identify and deal with WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction, biological, nuclear, and chemical threats.

As part of your training you can also expect to do detailed classroom and field work in key areas such as emergency response, large casualty response and decontamination procedures. Before you get started with any courses in this field it is advisable that you take some college level criminology courses to give you a taste of what to expect in this field.

How to Enroll

Security training differs from state to state so you should first contact your state government for some initial information. After that you should get in contact with the Department of Homeland Security for exact course requirements. They will also provide you with further information about any educational perquisites that you may need.

A career working in terrorism response and prevention is a fast paced, highly challenging and rewarding proposition. Make sure you receive the proper training before you pursue your career!