Security Guard Training Program: What to Expect

The first thing you must do before you can apply for a job as a security guard is enroll in a training course. As most new recruits soon find out, a career in the security industry entails a lot more than walking around with a flashlight guarding stuff. You can expect a roughly 4 week program featuring intense training, both physical and mental. Nearly all jurisdictions require such a course although in some cases it can be done primarily online.

If you want to get a job as an armed security guard you will need to look into further licensing and training after you complete the regular course. The same goes for highly specialized security positions such as government employees, casino or armored car personnel.

So what can you expect to learn in a security guard training course? Most programs today will cover 5-10 broad areas. A few of the more important ones will be discussed below.


In this aspect of the course the pupil will learn how to communicate effectively with fellow staff and law enforcement using the wide variety of electronic equipment available to security officers. Students will also learn public relations and customer service as they will often spend large portions of time interacting with curious onlookers and passerbys. This also includes how to resolve petty disputes and diffuse potentially explosive situations without the use of force.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Ever since the attacks of 9/11 the threat of terrorism has been front and center in many aspects of our lives. And it has spilled over into the security industry as well. Especially for government or other high profile type security staff, training in the basic identification of WMD materials and imminent terrorist threats is essential. 

How to Arrest 

Sometimes you will have to detain or even perform an arrest on a bad guy or unruly member of the public before law enforcement arrives to deal with the situation. You will be taught how to use a variety of restraining devices such as handcuffs in order to detain someone. This will also include where to take the subject, what to say to them and their legal rights and yours.

Documentation and Observation

Much of a security officer's time is spent watching over property or persons and writing reports on suspicious activity. Indeed, security reports and your eyewitness testimony are often a huge help to investigators. In this aspect of the course you will be taught how to stay on top of a situation and take accurate but quick notes.

Security guard work is anything but stationary or ordinary for that matter. You will often find yourself in different environments with various challenges. It is essential that you are properly trained to carry out the multitude of duties that will be assigned to you. Therefore, a security guard training program is something that you should look forward to and enthusiastically participate in. It will make your future job that much easier.